XBRL Instance Documents

Xbrl instance documents

An XBRL instance document is a file that contains financial information in a specific format. Companies and organizations use this file to share their financial data with investors, analysts, and regulators.

The file includes important information such as the name of the company, the time period covered by the data, and details about what is being measured. The XBRL instance document is created using special software that generates the necessary code, which can then be uploaded to a website or shared in other ways.

Overall, an XBRL instance document is an important part of financial reporting. It helps to make sure that financial data is shared in a standardized way, which can improve accuracy, transparency, and consistency.

Elements in XBRL filing

A typical XBRL filing has this basic structure


XBRL filing is like putting important information into labeled boxes. Each box has a different label that tells you what type of information is inside. For example, there might be a box labeled "revenue" that shows how much money a company made.

When you submit an XBRL filing, it's like sending a bunch of labeled boxes to someone. They can then easily see what type of information is in each box and use it to understand what you're trying to say.

iXBRL - Embedding XBRL into HTML

iXBRL is a way to put special labels called "tags" on numbers on a web page, so when you click on them, you can learn more about what they mean. It's like a secret code that helps you understand important information better. These codes are hidden in the web page and are connected to other important information.


To put XBRL data onto a webpage, you can use a format called iXBRL. This format lets you put the financial data onto the webpage, so people can see it just like any other information on the page. To do this, you need to use a special software tool. The tool takes the XBRL data and the webpage code and combines them into one document that can be viewed on the web. 

Overall, embedding XBRL data into HTML using iXBRL is a simple way to show financial information on a webpage. It makes it easy for people to see and analyze the information.

XBRL Facts

The most important rule is that each fact needs to have enough information to make sense on its own. This means that you don't need to know anything else to understand the fact. 

There are six things that need to be included with each fact. These are called "Primary dimensions". They are:

  • The company's ID code (CIK code)
  • The time period the fact applies to
  • The thing being measured (also called "Metric")
  • The type of data - like numbers, words, or dates
  • The units of measurement (only for numbers, like currency)
  • How many decimal places the number have (only for numbers)
  • By including these six things with each fact, you can understand the information without needing any additional context.