What Are Bonds And How Do They Work?

What are bonds and how do they work

Bonds are a kind of investment where money is lent to businesses or governments. When you buy a bond, you're acting as a lender by giving someone else your money. The corporation or government pledges to pay you back your money after a specific period of time, as well as some extra money known as interest.

Think of it like a friend who needs to borrow money from you. They promise to pay you back in a year, and they also promise to give you a little bit of extra money for letting them borrow your money. That's kind of like a bond.

The laws and dangers associated with various forms of bonds vary. While some bonds are riskier but have higher interest rates, others are less risky but have lower rates. Bonds can be a good way to make your money grow over time, but it's important to remember that investing always carries some risks, so it's best to talk to a grown-up or financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

When you buy a bond, you can hold onto it until it "matures" (or until the company or government pays you back) or you can sell it to someone else before it matures. Bonds are frequently regarded as a "safer" investment than equities because corporations and governments are normally very successful at repaying their debts.

Recently, there has been a lot of discussion in the financial world about bond yields. Yield is the amount of money you can expect to earn on a bond investment. When bond yields go up, it means that investors can earn more money on their bond investments. When bond yields go down, it means that investors can earn less money on their bond investments.

One reason bond yields have been in the news lately is that the Federal Reserve, which is the central bank of the United States, has been keeping interest rates low. When interest rates are low, bond yields are also low. This is because companies and governments don't have to offer as much interest to get people to invest in their bonds.

Another reason bond yields have been in the news is because of the COVID-19 pandemic. During the pandemic, governments around the world borrowed a lot of money to pay for things like stimulus checks and vaccines. This increased the supply of bonds on the market, which can cause bond prices to go down and bond yields to go up.

Various Types of Bonds for Investing

Government bonds: Have you ever loaned money to a friend or family member? Well, buying a government bond is kind of like loaning money to the government. When you buy a government bond, you're giving money to the government, and they promise to give you back your money plus a little bit extra called interest.

The government uses the money from the bonds to pay for important things like building roads, schools, and hospitals. And because the government has a lot of money and can borrow money from many people, government bonds are usually considered very safe investments.

It's like if you lent money to a really responsible person who you knew could pay you back. You'd feel pretty safe about getting your money back, right? That's kind of how people feel about investing in government bonds. Of course, investing always has some risks, so it's important to talk to a grown-up or financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

Corporate bonds: Do you know what a loan is? It's when you give someone money and they promise to pay you back later. Well, buying a corporate bond is like giving a loan to a company. When you buy a corporate bond, you're giving money to a company, and they promise to pay you back with some extra money called interest. The company uses the money from the bond to do important things like build buildings, buy equipment, and do research. 

But sometimes, companies can have financial problems and they might not be able to pay back their bonds. That's why investing in corporate bonds can be riskier than investing in government bonds. It's like if you loaned money to a friend who sometimes has trouble paying back their debts. You might not be as confident that you'll get your money back, right? That's kind of how people feel about investing in corporate bonds.

Municipal bonds: Buying a municipal bond is like giving a loan to your city or state. When you buy a municipal bond, you're giving money to your local government, and they promise to pay you back with some extra money called interest. The local government uses the money from the bond to do important things like build roads, parks, and schools.

Municipal bonds are usually considered very safe investments because local governments usually have a lot of money and can borrow money from many people. It's like if you loaned money to a friend who has a lot of money and can always pay you back. You'd feel pretty confident about getting your money back, right?

High-yield bonds: Well, high-yield bonds are like giving a loan to a company that is not doing very well financially. These companies are riskier investments, so they offer higher interest rates to investors. It's kind of like if your friend who doesn't have a lot of money asked to borrow money from you. They might promise to pay you back with extra money as a thank you for helping them out.

But if the company does really badly and can't pay back its bonds, investors can lose a lot of money. It's like if your friend never paid you back the money they borrowed from you. That's why high-yield bonds are considered very risky investments.

Convertible bonds: These are like loans that you give to a company but with an extra special feature. If the company does very well and its stock price goes up, you can choose to convert your bond into stocks, which could earn you even more money. This means that convertible bonds can be a good investment if you think a company will do well in the future.

Zero-coupon bonds: These are like special loans that you give to a company or government. But, unlike other types of bonds, you don't get interest payments every year. Instead, you buy these bonds at a lower price, and when they mature, you get back the full value of the bond. For example, if you buy a $100 zero-coupon bond for $80, you won't get any interest payments. But when the bond matures, you will get back the full $100. This can be a good investment if you want to save money for a specific time in the future, like for college or for a house.

In conclusion

Bonds can be a good way for people to invest their money and earn a little bit of extra cash. But it's important to talk to a grown-up or a financial advisor before making any investment decisions, to make sure that you understand what you're doing and that it's a good idea for your situation.